Hi Vidiot
I wrote to Bethel expressing concern about the wannabe executioner and they sent my letter to him.
spiritual 'pharisaical legal text' makes you 'accountable' if you attend a jw 'judicial committee'.
'regular' jw's attending a 'judicial committee' automatically and without realising it, both admit to a 'wrongdoing' and 'subject themselves' to jw .org-inisation 'elders'.. it has also been well-documented that jw .org is 'coming after long--term inactive ones, that are causing 'divisions'.. there is a greater emphasis being put on 'shunning' those labelled with 'apostate' (behaviour).. the 'slanderous' naming and shaming of (former) members who have questioned the jw.
org-inisation is relentlessly being propagated in both publications and their gatherings, such as their ironically named 'love never fails' 2019 convention.. ironically, the scriptures they often refer to such as the one at titus 3:10 the original greek word hairetikos, which is translated to the the word “heretic,.
Hi Vidiot
I wrote to Bethel expressing concern about the wannabe executioner and they sent my letter to him.
that's the one thing they all have in common.
because as soon as you are aware that you are in one, you would of course leave it,.
so millions of people all over the world are in them and but of course are ignorant of this fact.. i was asked many times over the years in field service, the question.
C T Russell was influenced by Pyramidology as was the Astronomer Royal for Scotland, Charles Piazzi Smyth.
Because the British used imperial measurements (construed as godly becuase the pyramids were built using an almost similar kind of inch which was supposedly in harmony with the entire universe), that meant they (the British) had the right to rule Egypt instead of the atheistic French who used the centimeter and were therefore cut off from ever being in harmony with the universe.
FYI John Taylor came up with the idea of the "pyramid inch". Taylor said the "pyramid inch" was 1/25 of the "sacred cubit" whose existence had earlier been postulated by Isaac Newton.
Then of course there was Adventism and the British Israelites. Piazzi Smyth (Uncle of Baden Powell who founded the Scouts) was a British Israelite.
imagine boarding a bus with your family for a long anticipated vacation.
the destination is a place that is promised to be beautiful warm and sunny.
as you are boarding the bus you are given a ticket stub with several paragraph's of fine print.
When I joined I felt I was getting on a bus, but not a bus to paradise. I thought it was a bus following Christ Jesus. When I found out it wasn't, I spoke to the driver, tried gently to get him to steer in the right direction. Got pushed away, so for some time I have been standing on bit where you get off. I've trying to tell them they are driving over a cliff. Not quite to no avail but the bus is now rumbling on towards the cliff edge and I'm back on foot - with a few others.
We wont be getting on any more buses.
Churches have naves and I think that's to do with ships. So some get on ships - reminds me of how they use the scripture to do with baptism and link it to the ark.
(1 Peter 3:20-21) . . .who had once been disobedient when the patience of God was waiting in Noah’s days, while the ark was being constructed, in which a few people, that is, eight souls, were carried safely through the water. 21 That which corresponds to this is also now saving YOU, namely, baptism, (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the request made to God for a good conscience,) through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. . .
spiritual 'pharisaical legal text' makes you 'accountable' if you attend a jw 'judicial committee'.
'regular' jw's attending a 'judicial committee' automatically and without realising it, both admit to a 'wrongdoing' and 'subject themselves' to jw .org-inisation 'elders'.. it has also been well-documented that jw .org is 'coming after long--term inactive ones, that are causing 'divisions'.. there is a greater emphasis being put on 'shunning' those labelled with 'apostate' (behaviour).. the 'slanderous' naming and shaming of (former) members who have questioned the jw.
org-inisation is relentlessly being propagated in both publications and their gatherings, such as their ironically named 'love never fails' 2019 convention.. ironically, the scriptures they often refer to such as the one at titus 3:10 the original greek word hairetikos, which is translated to the the word “heretic,.
Hi Blondie - yes he did forget that and I think I even answered something like that in one of the sessions.
This one wanted to be an executioner in this system of things. Over lunch I was trying to reason with him and said, "if you'd been in Nazi Germany, you would have killed all the Witnesses." But he took no notice of what I said.
The other thing he forgot was this:-
(2 Peter 3:9) . . .God is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. . .
Maybe I should have offered him a free home Bible study.
in the org did anyone ever tell you that its not about the numbers...yet the reality was that it was all about the numbers?.
i ran into a pimi who asked why my family and i were awol.
i told him that it was private and personal and i wasn't at liberty to discuss it.
Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert believed that statistics would do away with the need for religion. The WBTS likes to describe itself as non-religious. So maybe that is where it is heading, a statistical society where numbers and words mean nothing.
Statistics mixed with Dadaism.
i grew up with steve pare who is now an elder in southern california.
he sent me this note after i talked to him on the phone and sent him my book.. "the super-abundant blessings i have received in the advancing the earthly organization of jehovah have been fantastic !!!".
"jehovah is not behind in creating the paradise & his mighty of 9,000,000 will work with 20-50 billion to be resurrected & in 1,000 years the paradise will be done on time!!
You want to tell him he is not a Jehovah's Witness.
hi guys.
i was an active member of this forum many years ago and it played an integral part of my awakening and making peace with my decision to leave.
it’s been a while since i posted here.
Hi Princess Daisy Boo - they are a nasty bunch of false Christians. I got df'd for sticking to the words of the prophet Daniel.
Someone put it to me that it is only by God's grace that people come to see through them.
They will reap what they sow. I would not dignify them by identifying them as Jehovah's Witnesses. Given their behaviour, they have no legitimate connection to the God of Abraham.
spiritual 'pharisaical legal text' makes you 'accountable' if you attend a jw 'judicial committee'.
'regular' jw's attending a 'judicial committee' automatically and without realising it, both admit to a 'wrongdoing' and 'subject themselves' to jw .org-inisation 'elders'.. it has also been well-documented that jw .org is 'coming after long--term inactive ones, that are causing 'divisions'.. there is a greater emphasis being put on 'shunning' those labelled with 'apostate' (behaviour).. the 'slanderous' naming and shaming of (former) members who have questioned the jw.
org-inisation is relentlessly being propagated in both publications and their gatherings, such as their ironically named 'love never fails' 2019 convention.. ironically, the scriptures they often refer to such as the one at titus 3:10 the original greek word hairetikos, which is translated to the the word “heretic,.
Hi Blondie - I know one elder who openly admitted he would kill people in this system of things. He was an instructor when I attended Pioneer School and said it to me over lunch. I got up and walked away from him, I was so disgusted.
I wrote to the Bethel about him and told the CO what he had said. Result was... he's still an elder. Maybe he is still saying the same things over lunch.
their was also an article in jw`s publications wt ?
that stated that the united nations was set up as the counterfeit kingdom of god to take away emphasis from the kingdom of god by christ jesus .
this is a paraphrase of what was stated however , "the un as a counterfeit kingdom of god" was stated.
*** kj chap. 4 pp. 60-61 pars. 15-16 Commissioned to Speak in the Divine Name ***
In recommending and supporting the League of Nations as “the political expression of the Kingdom of God on earth” the Federal Council of American churches went directly contrary to the words of Jesus Christ, when on trial for his life before the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, in 33 C.E., saying: “My kingdom does not belong to this world. If it did, my followers would be fighting to save me from arrest by the Jews. My kingly authority comes from elsewhere.” (John 18:36, New English Bible) By accepting the League of Nations as “the political expression of the Kingdom of God on earth” the members of the Federal Council of American churches were really accepting a counterfeit “Kingdom of God on earth.” Hence, twenty years later when the League of Nations was knocked out of business by the outbreak of World War II and “peace on earth, good-will toward men” were taken away, it was the counterfeit “political expression” that failed, and not the real Kingdom of God as proclaimed in the Gospel of Christ.
16 Certainly, then, back there in the postwar year of 1919 there were none among the war-guilty religious elements of Jewry and Christendom who qualified to be commissioned as the modern-day counterpart or antitype of Ezekiel. Was there no one, then, whom Jehovah could raise up to serve in a way that corresponded to that of that ancient exile in Babylon? Whom could the real “chariot” of Jehovah’s organization roll up to and confront that He might bestow upon this qualified one the commission to speak as a prophet in the name of Jehovah? Ah, there was a group whose members had suffered religious persecution during World War I at the hands of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, and whose members had, in fact, come out from the religious organizations of Babylon the Great. In fact, they had refused to be a party with Christendom and with all the rest of Babylon the Great in actively taking part in carnal warfare during World War I. Who were they?
*** w58 10/15 pp. 629-630 Public Address: God’s Kingdom Rules—Is the World’s End Near? ***
16 One big thing counting heavily against Christendom is its part in the United Nations, now in its thirteenth year, the international organization established in 1945 to guarantee world peace and security. When the United Nations started functioning in January of 1946, the physical properties of the dead League of Nations were turned over to the U.N. as its successor. Back in January of 1918, in the very throes of World War I, the American president, Woodrow Wilson, proposed the League of Nations. The very next month Jehovah’s witnesses, as represented by the president of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, began preaching the startling message, “The World Has Ended—Millions Now Living May Never Die.” Early in the following month prominent witnesses of Jehovah began to be arrested in America for preaching God’s kingdom as the one and only hope for all mankind, and in the course of months the sentencing of them to long imprisonment followed. The issue was then plainly before the American churches of Christendom: God’s kingdom or the League of Nations—which should professing Christians choose?
the april 2019 study edition page 20 has an article on resisting wicked spirits.
it says "magic refers to practices associated with the occult, or the supernatural.
it can include curses and the casting or breaking of spells.
Using an entertaining maths conjuring trick you can make people believe Jesus returned invisibly in 1914 and chose you as his viceroy.
With a bit of further slight of word you can make out he is the planet's invisible ruler and as his viceroy all the kingdoms of the world belong to you.
Just a thought.